June 18, 2020 / / Comments Off on 6/18/2020
The long-overdue update! Summer is upon us, and fingers crossed, the COVID 19 is behind us. Monthly club meetings continue to be on-hold, however, the officers continue to stay in touch and work behind the scenes for your club. The annual golf outing at LON has been canceled, with the potential to be rescheduled later this year. The ORV club rides are August 28-29 from the clubhouse (show & go), and in Da U.P. on October 1-3 at Rippling River Resort (reservations needed).
Continue to look out for one another, and tune into the ACSC Facebook page (click the icon at the top right corner of this page) for the latest club news, as well as a survey we need your help with, as it relates to our sport.
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